Wednesday, December 10, 2008


'Tis I the long forgotten blogger. I almost forgot how to sign in... lol. Just kidding. Actually I am excited to say that I have been working on typing my stupid story up. I figure that since I got a laptop I should put it to some good use that doesnt have to do with essays on The Canterbury Tales (Sorry Mr. Chaucer, but your tales are wierd).

ANYWAY... I seemed to have come into a large massive amount of time this weekend where I am going to do nothing except laundry and possibly watch a very bad movie. That noted, I am going to start my new blog! (If this is excruciatingly boring to read, I apologize). Very excited because along with all the old material, minus some of the stupid posts, I will have new material!!

So check it out on Saturday!

Aspiring Author

P.S. Looking up info on publishers/editors.........................
Not sure about this process. (IT SCARES ME!!!)


Faith said...

YAY!! I was excited when I saw your name in my reader...

What's your new blog?

You're trying to get your novel published! That's awesome. I want an ARC. You can do it! (I figure I should put my cheerleader power to good use...)

Emily Cross said...

hey, i added myself as your follower, thanks for adding me. let me know if/when you set up this new blog so i can add it ;) good luck with the agents.

my advice: get writers market books (theres a special Literary agent edition) which should help. also there are blogs like miss snark, editorial ass etc which have great advice on how to query, who to and what to do.