Friday, January 30, 2009

Dear Abby, (or Sylvia, or Wendy, Ect.)

Hey there to my new followers :) I am so glad that you like my writing!

But I have some sad and regrettable news. Like so many others, I just cant finish this one... I have no idea why. During my school break my goal was to finish the entire story. But can anyone guess what I did instead?

I started a new story. Brand new, and not fantasy. Ugh, I'm so frustrated with myself, and at a loss of what to do....


no-end thread

(What?? lol)


Rebecca said...

I hope you don't give up on this completely. I know what it's like to start writing a story and then come up with a new one. I'm currently working on 5 original. I keep going back to each one have I get a chance.
Good luck with your new one.

Emily Cross said...

Sometimes it happens that you need to take a break from a story especially when you've focused so much time on it. your right to work on something new, just don't forget that you can always go back and work on it!

I thought i'd let you know that i've created a writer's forum

Basically its a forum where writers can come and discuss their yays and woes, share advice or discuss the publishing world. I'd love it if you could drop in and have a look (it was only set up yesterday) and maybe let your friends know if they're interested in joining too.



Jennifer said...

Hey. Cool blog. I'll be reading.